Monday 26 November 2012

six tips

bored teenager
As you have created a blog for yourself and considering blogging,Eventually, you are needed to ensure that you keep your blog interesting which will help you get more and more visitors and readers preferably on-going visitors.

Furthermore, In this post, I am to list down the 6 different ways to keep your blog interesting. Continue reading and figure out if your blog is good enough or not.

1. Identify The Purpose Of Your Blog

First of all and foremost step towards keeping your blog interesting is your primary objective behind creating your blog. It does not matter if your aim is to share valuable content or to generate traffic, once you are clear about the purpose of your objective, you need to keep moving forward and work hard to achieve success. 

2. Your Blog’s Content 

A blog happens to be interesting for itreaders, when it is sharing worthy and useful information to its readers. In short, you; being the author of your blog will take your readers along. You need to make sure that you have unique and original content on your blog by covering exclusive topics. 

3. Choosing A Topic 

break through the clutter
The main the which some time makes you confuse Choosing a topic to write on is certainly a tough task as you need to ensure that the topic you choose is interesting and exclusive to your readers.

Besides, you can also try writing about the latest market and industry trends 
which are yet to be discovered by others. You can even allow guest posts on your blog, and bloggers will help you contribute to the content of your blog. Also, you can consider the older topics and trends and tailor them according to the recent times. This way your readers will get to read new and interesting information that has been made available on your blog. 

4. Design 

keys tools animated
IIt is very important ,While you are spending time to create unique and exclusive content for your blog, you should also spend some time choosing an exceptional design for your blog. it is imperative to avoid adding poor and clumsy designs which eventually leave your visitors searching for what they came for. 

You must incorporate such a design that prompt the visitors to check your site every now and then for latest updates as they liked the way you already presented your content on the blog. If you are using the WordPress platform, you can select and add several different themes that are available on the WordPress dashboard itself. Also, you can add premium and even free themes which are compatible with the latest WordPress version you are currently using for your blog. 

5. Be Consistent 

Do not leave you blog alone ,Keep posting on your blog frequently; and let your blog stay alive for your readers. Try to have a target which you must achieve per week. This way you will be able to engage more visitors on your blog. 

6. Communicate! 

You need to ensure that the content you post on your blog is useful in keeping the interest of your regular readers. Utilize the comment section of your blog to effectively communicate with them, engage your audience and share your ideas. Respond to all the comments that have been posted and do answer their queries if any asked. It will help you to make a successful business with you blog.

wish you good luck

Wednesday 21 November 2012

ten tips to get more readers

About a couple of years I spent most of my time confused about what I wanted to do or what i should write in my blog, jumping from one thing to another, and busying myself with ‘learning’.
Or maybe it was getting lost and more confused, huh.

If you are in the same place or doing the same effort for your log, I’m sure you can relate.

  But then one year ago I decided to stop procrastinating, make a decision, put my head down, do the hard work, and create the vision I what i wanted...

I thought I'd share a few things I've learned along the way.

Here i learnt ten Things I've Learned in My First Year of Blogging.


 There is a lot to learn, but it's better to stop 'just' learning and start 'doing' what you are learning as you go.

Second. It is scary thing and nerve racking, but just throw yourself in there and put yourself out there anyway.

Third .

 You will feel like jumping ship along the way many times but sticking to one thing is what will brings the  results.

 You have a better chance of 'making it' with one thing over time because if you don't apply yourself you are just dreaming.


 Consistency with your routine is much important do not get tied or feel bore from blogging, if you will work hard you will get fruit.

Fifth. You can surprise yourself at what you can do - if will just do it continiously!

       Eventually,You really have to enjoy what you are doing because if you are anything like me it will become an obsession and you will spend much of time on making your business a successful busuness.


       This stuff really works and you can make money online here , but you probably won't make a million overnight like many internet marketers mostly tells you.


     The long haul is the hard part but never lose sight of how far you have come. We all want it faster, quicker, but we have to have patience and keep doing the things that will bring us there.

 The law of delayed gratification! Keep sowing the seeds and the harvest will come.


         Read stuff; then apply it.


 Being the part of a supportive community is awesome! You NEED somewhere you can get stuff out of your head because your partner gets tired of listening to you.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Keep writing

Keep writing and keep busy your readers 

Dont miss any day write daily and find out the unique information o share with your readers it will help you out o make your blog famous .

if you start with one reader on one day when you will keep posting you will find that you will get more readers.

Sunday 11 November 2012

unique work have worth

As you are a blog writer be careful about you writing always write the thing you fine is common among people. your current information.

for example if you write about current issue that will be popular for some time and when people lost his interest in that then they will never come back to your your written work .

write such words which people want to read ever for example if you have any information about  science or about medical science then don't waste your time in current issues just write that info that will give you more respond rather then 

Saturday 10 November 2012

main thing that increase readers

When i start writing blogging I wasn't know about the A B C of blog that what to do and where to go with the passage of time I learnt how we can attract readers toward my blog . 

if we talk about any thing beauty attracts the person so we should make our blog attractive .Eventually we should not use any that type of thing which gives worst look to you blog such as alway use light color wall paper for your blog. Never use black color for you blog theme.